Benefits of Nordic Pole Walking

Physiotherapists have recommended Nordic Pole Walking for many years as an excellent form of low impact activity that improves health and fitness. Nordic Pole Walking provides a total body and cardiovascular workout all in ONE activity, ...

A Smile says it All!

Our facial expressions are an important part of how we interact with the people around us. Paralysis of our facial muscles can significantly impact those interactions, and how we see ourselves. Damage to the Facial Nerve ...

The Bite of TMJ Pain

Jaw joint dysfunction is an often unrecognized cause of headaches, facial pain or earaches.  Painful clicking of the joint or decreased opening of the mouth can also signal problems with the jaw joint, properly known as ...

Why Does my Head Hurt?

A lot of us are asking ourselves this question as humidity, heat and severe weather systems make their way to Eastern Ontario in the middle of summer.  Our heads can hurt for various reasons. Our environment, ...