Benefits of Nordic Pole Walking

benefits nordic pole walking class

Physiotherapists have recommended Nordic Pole Walking for many years as an excellent form of low impact activity that improves health and fitness. Nordic Pole Walking provides a total body and cardiovascular workout all in ONE activity, and can be beneficial to virtually any level of fitness and physical capability.

There are many benefits to walking with poles over regular walking, whether you have chronic health issues or simply want to maximize your physical workout. Nordic Pole Walking works the upper body and abdominal muscles as well as the legs. More than 90% of body muscles are engaged, burning 20-67% more calories than with regular walking, making this a much more effective fitness activity than walking without poles. Nordic Pole Walking can be done anywhere and in any season. It is a highly accessible activity with little expense.

30 minutes of Nordic Pole Walking = 55 minutes of regular walking!

In addition, because of the use of the arms and poles when Nordic Pole Walking, there is less impact on ankle, knee and hip joints, posture and balance are improved, and back and neck pain can be reduced.
Nordic Pole Walking is easy to learn; it is simply an extension of your smooth, natural gait pattern and arm swing. Unlike other styles of walking poles, the Nordixx handle loops allow gripping and relaxation of the hands and arms with each stride which improves circulation, upper extremity involvement and reduces fatigue.

The staff at Best Health Physiotherapy are certified Nordixx instructors who can instruct you in the correct and most efficient Nordic Pole Walking technique. Additionally Best Health Physiotherapy is the local Nordixx distributor and can supply you with Nordixx poles and accessories.

Call to join us for one of our regularly scheduled free Nordic Pole Walking introductory clinics, or for ongoing instruction at one of our twice-weekly walking group classes.

 Please call to confirm your spot in either a clinic or a class: 613.634.2378