A concussion is a form of brain injury resulting from either a direct or indirect blow/force to the head, face or jaw that causes an alteration in brain function. You can think of a concussion as ...
Category: For Your Best Health
Physical Activity leads to Positive Mental Health
In these strange and stressful times, virtually all of us have had to change how we live our lives to some degree. Many have experienced significant challenges and difficulties, either directly or indirectly as a result ...
Myth-busting Back Pain
Almost everyone will experience an episode of lower back pain at some point in their lives. For most, these episodes are brief and resolve quickly. For some, however, back pain becomes persistent. Persistent low back pain ...
Motion is Lotion!
This catchy phrase is a memorable way to convey the helpful effects of movement for any painful condition. Generally, with most painful issues, with too much rest, people stiffen up and get more painful overall. Moving ...
Pelvic Health
Our new physiotherapy resident, Kathryn McGuire, has taken post-graduate training in rehabilitation of the pelvic floor and is excited to offer this service at Best Health Physiotherapy. This type of physiotherapy involves the assessment and rehabilitation ...
For most of us, the closest familiarity we have with skeletons is the plastic ones we see at Halloween. You are probably not aware of how important the skeleton is to our most basic physical abilities. ...
Doing our Best at Best Health Physiotherapy
At Best Health Physio we are dedicated to providing optimal, compassionate patient care. All parts of your physio experience are important to us. In these challenging times especially, we realize every aspect of that care is meaningful. ...
Compression is Important for Everyone
Healthy circulation is vital for your body to function properly. Your blood travels from your heart via your arteries, which takes oxygen-rich blood to the tissues throughout your body. Your veins collect the oxygen-depleted blood from ...
About Sciatica and Sciatic Nerve Pain
Sciatica is a widely used term that is not properly understood. The term “sciatica” simply means nerve pain in the area supplied by the sciatic nerve. It is a lay term, much like “frozen shoulder”, which ...
Snow Shoveling Time Again
Snow shoveling time again! How can we avoid back injury? Snow shoveling can be one of the most strenuous things many of us do. It is also a common cause of low back injuries. We think ...